…the research of harmony

is the ability to create a relation between volumes, materials and colors

and having them in balance with each other…

we really make architecture

Architetto Luciano Marè

Born in Varese on the 4th May 1982.

Graduated at Politecnico University of Milan in 1982.

Enrolled in the ‘Ordine degli Architetti’ (Architect's Registration Board) of Varese from 1984 with the number 624.

Expert in architectural design and restoration both in private and public environment.

Expert on topics regarding sustainable architecture, energy-saving and application of natural material in historical buildings, existing buildings and brand new projects.

His expertises have been developing through projects, site engineering, the realisation of new designs and by participating in several conventions and workshops on relevant topics.

He is a member of ‘Gruppo Italiano’ of the International Institute for Conservation (I.G.I.I.C.).

He is extremely competent on environmental issues and he is a member of different environmental committees within the area of Varese city.

C.so Matteotti 53 - 21100 Varese - Italia - Te l . + 39 0332 234045 - P. iva 00850690124 - C.F. MRALCN57E04L682M

© 2016 Architetto Luciano Marè - Tutti i diritti riservati - Design by Sabrina Van Hoften